When your dentist recommends that you need to see an endodontist for a root canal, you may have numerous questions about root canals. Find the answer to the most frequent ones related to Endodontists below.
1. Who is an endodontist?
• Endodontists are the specialists in Endodontics, that is a small branch of dentistry related to treating of the pulp (root canal) and its surrounding tissues of the tooth.
• They are the specialists who perform the root canal treatments and also treat its related issues.
• After Dental Studies, Endodontists need two or more years of specialized training.
2. What is a root canal and why do we need it?
• Root canal is the procedure used to treat an infected tooth that can’t be cured with a normal filling.
• During root canal treatment, the endodontist first anesthetizes the area, removes infected tooth pulp, fills the entire pulp cavity, and lastly seals the tooth.
• Root canals mostly relieves tooth pain immediately. If the infected pulp is not treated, it will cause pain, uneasiness, and probably loss of tooth.
3. Are the roots taken out?
No! In root canal procedure the space INSIDE the roots is cleaned where the nerves and blood vessels are.
4. What’s the reason behind Pulpal infection?
• The most common cause for pulpal infection is an extensive restorative history that starts with decay, and ends with multiple fillings or crowns.
• Traumatic injury like cracks or chips can also cause nerve problems in the teeth.
5. How painful is root canal treatment?
• This is perhaps the most frequently asked question. A root canal treatment isn’t painful; in fact it relieves it—almost immediately.
• Today root canal treatments are virtually pain-free and require only one or two sittings.
• With modern techniques, anesthetics and state-of-the-art technology like operating microscopes, digital imaging, ultrasonic instrumentation and fiber optics, many patients report that the procedure is almost painless.
6. Is extraction (pulling the tooth) a better alternative?
• Actually no.
• Nothing can replace your natural teeth as it enables you to enjoy a wide variety of foods required for nutritionally balanced diet.
• Also many root canal-treated teeth may last a lifetime.
7. How long will a root canal treatment take?
• The specific time depends on the tooth involved.
• Generally the procedure lasts about one hour and often can be done in one visit.
8. How expensive is the treatment?
Root canal is cheaper than extraction and placement of a bridge or an implant and may also depend on your dental insurance coverage.
About Professional Endodontics at Dentist Munich
The Dentist Munich team specializes in treating issues inside of the tooth and provides a safe painless treatment to its patients.
Dentist Munich uses innovative technology with experienced Endodontists to treat and save your teeth from the damage of soft tissues within the teeth roots.