Things to Know Before Root Canal

Date: February 24, 2021

So your dentist told you that you need a root canal and your heart jumped because you think you’re in for a major surgery? Hey! Root canal procedure is one of the swiftest procedures you’ll ever experience. It’s painless, cost effective, and very effective. Am sure you have tons of questions running through your mind, combined with fear. Well, we’re here to put your mind at ease. So, from Dr Karthik – dentist in Navi Mumbai, here are the things you should know before your first root canal procedure.

Root canal treatment is not as painful as most people think

The root canal procedure is not as scary as they make you to believe. You will feel some mild discomfort after the procedure, but these things can be mitigated with a pain reliever. We dentists have all the required skill set to carry out smooth root canal procedures, so you can rest easy knowing you’re in the best possible hands. – Dr. Karthik

Taking antibiotics will not help

It is a common cliché that people use antibiotics to treat all bacterial infections. Antibiotics work by reaching the infected areas through the blood, the bacteria causing your teeth infection are lodged within the root canal system and antibiotics can’t get there.

What is the cost?

When it comes to dental treatment, the cost varies widely, but saving the tooth with a root canal treatment is relatively cost-effective. Root canal treatment is a cheaper option to other types of treatment like tooth implants and extraction.


● You don’t have to remove the tooth
● You will not lose the bone around the tooth
● Success rate is very high
● You will no longer feel pains
● It is far less expensive than an implant
● Your tooth will resume its normal functions within a short time


● Some bacteria will always be left behind after a root canal procedure. But not to worry, most of them are useful bacteria.
● Sometimes, your root canal treatment might fail, which means you have to carry out another one and pay additional fees.
● You will have to sit in one place with your mouth open for up to 3 hours.
● Root canal procedure is not advisable for immunosuppressed patients

Root canal treatment is done in just three steps, and it will take between 3 to 5 hours to complete.

Cleaning of the root canal

The first step of this procedure is to remove everything inside the root canal. With the patient placed under local anesthesia, the dentist makes a tiny hole on the affected tooth and removes the dead pulp tissues using small teeth files.

Filling the root canal

Next, the dentist shapes and decontaminates the area using irrigation solutions and tiny teeth files. Then, a rubber-like material is used to fill the tooth and an adhesive cement is used to seal the canal completely. After the root canal treatment, the patient will no longer feel any pain in that tooth because the infection has been eliminated and the nerve tissue has been removed.

Adding a crown or filling

After the canal procedure, the tooth will be more fragile and brittle, hence the work of a crown or filling which is to protect the tooth from falling off before it is fully rooted back to its place. Canal treatment usually takes one appointment, but if there are multi-canals, or a large infection, it can take up to 3 appointments.

Root canal recovery

After the root canal treatment, you will feel numbness in your mouth for a few hours. Most people will go back to their normal daily activities but it is advisable to wait until the numbness wears off before chewing anything.

Following your root canal treatment, your teeth may feel sensitive due to tissue inflammation, these pains are usually managed by taking pain medications like ibuprofen or naproxen.

Until your root canal treatment is complete and a permanent filling or crown is placed, do not chew with the affected side of the teeth. This will help prevent the fragile teeth from breaking and helps to keep it clean and undisturbed until it fully recovers. Use a soft brush for that area when brushing your teeth and use an antiseptic mouthwash every morning and evening. Never miss an appointment with your dentist so they can monitor your progress and take steps when necessary.

Final thoughts

It is advised you do a root canal treatment as soon as your dentist says so. Because the damage will likely worsen, so the earlier you get to it the better for you.

Root canal treatment should not scare you, all you have to do is follow the instructions of your dentist and you will be fine. Take your prescribed medications and never miss an appointment with the dentist. Your tooth will resume its normal function before you know it.



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